Mette Pederson
I've been seriously folding paper since 1991.  When I'm not folding paper I'm a software engineer at Trifolium, Inc. in Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A. I've been attending and teaching at the Origami USA conventions since 1993, and also teach origami classes in local schools and bookstores.  I have attended and taught at all the  Southeastern Origami Festivals in Charlotte, NC.   I'm a past contributing member of Imagiro, which is a bimonthly amateur publication.  Other origami related interests include recycling and backcoating paper, and collecting origami books from all over the world.  If by chance I'm not working or folding paper, I just might be making Viking and Chainmaille jewelry or playing with my dog, Viggo.


I'm a member of the following origami groups:

 You can email me at [email protected].

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Copyright © 1999 - 2013 by Mette Pederson
All graphics are © Mette Pederson, and may not be used without her permission.
This page last updated on May 21, 2013 5:28PM EST